AB Ülkeleri İzin Verilen Maksimum Ağırlıklar
1. National traffic: 10 t.
2. Only with air suspension or similar, and ABS (Anti-lock Braking System).
3. National traffic: 24 t.
4. Above the authorised weight of 36 t, each additional tone is subject to a fine of AMD 55 (1 USD = 364 AMD) per km.
5. Vehicle engaged in combined transport: 44 t. Austria: initial and final road hauls in combined transport to/from the nearest technically suitable terminal
in Austria.
6. (Flanders and Brussels Capital Region) The maximum authorised weight is increased by the added additional weight required for the alternative fuel
technology with a maximum of 1 t.
7. (Flanders) Two-axle motor vehicle with one-axle trailer: 36 t.
8. (Flanders) Two-axle motor vehicle with two-axle trailer (with a tandem axle with axle spacing < 1.80 m): 36 t.
9. (Wallonia) Two-axle motor vehicle with a trailer with a tandem axle: 36 t.
10. (Brussel Capital Region) Mechanic suspension: 43 t.
11. (Flanders) Two-axle motor vehicle with three-axle trailer (with axle spacing < 1.80 m): 40 t.
12. (Flanders) Three-axle motor vehicle with two- or three-axle trailer (with axle spacing < 1.80 m and mechanical suspension): 42 t.
13. (Wallonia) Three-axle motor vehicle with trailer with a tandem or tridem axle with mechanic suspension: 42 t.
14. (Wallonia) 50 t in two cases: 1) articulated vehicles consisting of a three-axle tractor and a three axle semi-trailer; 2) trains of vehicles consisting of a
motor vehicle with three or more axles and a trailer with three or more axles, subject to the following conditions: a) the set of axles is of the type air
suspension or recognised as equivalent; b) the distance between the two axles is greater than or equal to 1.3 m; c) the maximum mass of any tridem
is 25 t; d) the articulated vehicle or the vehicle train is equipped with an on-board sensor device indicating the laden mass of the vehicle and the load
of axle to the driver; e) the trailer or semi-trailer tractor is in category N3, covered by a certificate of approval issued by a Member State of the
European Union, and meets the minimum environmental class EURO VI, in accordance with the Royal Decree of 26 February 1981 implementing the
European Communities’ Directives on the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors, their components
and safety accessories, or in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 49 ECE; f) EBS (Electronic Braking System), AEB (Automatic Emergency
Braking) and ESC (Electronic Stability Control) or RSC (Rolling Stability Control) systems are mandatory and the EBS calculator and modulators
provide an immediate response based on the state of charge of the vehicle; g) the driver of a vehicle and train of vehicles shall maintain an interval of
at least 50 m with other vehicles and vehicle trains with a maximum authorised mass exceeding 3.5 t; h) the special rules in point 1.4.2 art. 32bis of
the Royal Decree laying down general regulations on the technical conditions to be met by motor vehicles and their trailers, their components and
safety accessories cannot be applied.
15. Two-axle tractor with three-axle semi-trailer: mechanical suspension = 43 t; pneumatic suspension = 44 t.
16. Two-axle motor vehicle with three-axle semi-trailer carrying, in intermodal transport operations, one or more containers or swap bodies, up to a total
maximum length of 45 ft.
17. Three-axle motor vehicle with two- or three-axle semi-trailer carrying, in intermodal transport operations, one or more containers or swap bodies, up to
a total maximum length of 45 ft: 44 t.
18. The driving axle is fitted and pneumatic suspension or recognised as equivalent to EU level, or each driving axle is fitted with double tyres and the
MMA on each axle does not exceed 9.5 t: 26 t.
19. Under specific conditions EMS (European Modular System) combinations may have a maximum length of 25.25 m and maximum weight of 60 t.
20. The driving axle is fitted with double tyres and pneumatic suspension: 26 t.
21. Six-axle: 50 t; seven-axle or more: 56 t.
22. Three-axle tractor with one-axle trailer: 35 t.
23. Three- and more axle tractor with three- and more axle trailer: 44 t.
24. Three-axle motor vehicle with two- or three-axle semi-trailer carrying a 40 ft ISO container as a combined transport operation: 44 t.
25. For vehicles registered in an EEA member country.
26. Five-axle: 44 t; six-axle: 56 t; seven-axle: 60 t; eight-axle: 64-68 t (restrictions for ADR), 69-76 t (not for ADR).
27. Lorry weighting less than 40 t: 13 t.
28. Four-axle (single unit) lorry: 32 t.
29. 44 t is applicable under special conditions concerning axle weight, tridem weight, euro-norm, suspension type (cf. https://www.ecologiquesolidaire.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/Plaquette%2044%20tonnes.pdf).
30. Vehicle with three axles equipped with double mounted tyres on running axle and with pneumatic suspension or an equivalent system to EU level, or
each running axle has double mounted tyres and axle load less than 9.5 t.
31. Vehicle with alternative drive systems: 19 t (two-axle lorry) or 27 t (three-axle lorry) [cf. Fünfundfünfzigste Verordnung über Ausnahmen von den
Vorschriften der Straßenverkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung (55. Ausnahmeverordnung zur StVZO)].
32. Vehicle in intermodal transport: 44 t [cf. Dreiundfünfzigste Verordnung über Ausnahmen von den Vorschriften der Straßenverkehrs-ZulassungsOrdnung (53. Ausnahmeverordnung zur StVZO) and §34 StVZO Absatz 6 Nummer 6].
33. Three-axle tractor with one-axle trailer: 33 t.
34. Two-axle motor vehicle with two-axle semi-trailer carrying a container: 40 t.
35. Four-axle motor vehicle with one-axle trailer: 38 t. Three-axle motor vehicle with two-axle trailer: 38 t. Two-axle motor vehicle with three-axle trailer:
38 t.
36. +20% if the vehicle is fitted on the same axle with: a) four or more wheels at least 0.65 m distance from each other and two independent suspension;
b) three or more wheels fitted with independent suspensions.
37. National traffic: 20 t.
38. Road friendly suspension: 26 t.
39. Towing vehicle with a semi-trailer where the towing vehicle has a road friendly suspension and the wheelbase of the semi-trailer is ≥ 1.8 m: 38 t.
40. Mechanical suspension (national traffic): 10.5 t.
41. Provided that the vehicle is equipped with twin tyres and an air suspension system or an equivalent system on each driving axle, or is equipped with
twin tyres and two driving axles neither of which transmits to the surface of a road a weight in excess of 9.5 t. Distance measured from centre of front
to centre of rearmost axle allowing 5.5 t per metre, subject to a maximum of 26 t for three-axle rigid.
42. Distance between the rearmost axle of the vehicle and the foremost axle of the trailer less than 3 m: 30 t.
43. Six- or more axle rigid truck and drawbar trailer combinations may operate at 46 t provided they are fitted with road friendly or equivalent suspension
and Electronic Braking Systems (EBS). Rigid trucks (with not more than three axles) first registered from 1 June 2015 must also be equipped with
Electronic Stability Control (ESC) for 46 t operation, with drawbar trailers first licensed from 1 June 2015 requiring Roll Stability Control (RSC) )cf.
44. Two-axle rigid towing a three-axle trailer: 40 t.
45. Mechanically propelled vehicle having at least three axles, air suspension or an equivalent suspension on each driving axle and ABS brakes: 46 t.
The vehicle must also be fitted with a plate complying with the requirements of Statutory Instrument 224 of 2000.
46. Six- or more axle articulated vehicle combinations may operate at 46 t provided they are fitted with road friendly or equivalent suspension and
Electronic Braking Systems (EBS). Tractor units first registered since 1 April 2013 must also be equipped with Electronic Stability Control (ESC) for
46 t operation, with semi-trailers first licensed since 1 April 2013 requiring Roll Stability Control (RSC) (cf. http://www.rsa.ie/en/RSA/YourVehicle/Vehicle-Standards/Weights–Dimensions-/46-tonne-weight-limit/).
47. Two-axle motor vehicle with three-axle semi-trailer carrying, in intermodal transport operations, one or more containers or swap bodies, up to a total
maximum length of 45 ft can operate to 42 t (subject to 5.5 t per metre rule).
48. Three-axle appropriate motor vehicle with two-axle semi-trailer carrying, in intermodal transport operations, one or more containers or swap bodies,
up to a total maximum length of 45 ft.
49. Two-axle motor vehicle with three-axle semi-trailer carrying a 40 ft ISO container as a combined transport operation: 42 t.
50. Vehicle using alternative fuels: 26 t.
51. The driving axle is fitted and pneumatic suspension or recognized equivalent to EU level, or where each driving axle is fitted with double tyres and the
MMA on each axle does not exceed 9.5 t and used alternative fuels: 27 t.
52. Mechanical suspension: 11.5 t.
53. 40 ft long ISO containers: 44 t.
54. Only with air suspension or similar and double mounted tyres.
55. Depending on the distance between the axles, number of driven axles, type of suspension and single or double mounted tyres.
56. The Norwegian road network is divided into categories in terms of permitted weights and dimensions. The permitted weights listed here apply to roads
with the Bk 10/50 classification.
57. The maximum authorised weight is increased by the added additional weight required for the alternative fuel technology with a maximum of 1 t.
58. Five-axle (3 + 2): 46 t; five-axle (2 + 3): 47 t.; six-axle: 50 t; timber transport between 19.5 m and 24 m with an overall wheelbase of at least 19 m: 60 t.
59. Five-axle [(2 + 3) fixed]: 43 t; five-axle (2 + 3 [with a tandem axle with axle spacing 1.30-1.79 m followed by a positive steering axle at a distance of
more than 1.79 m, where at least the fixed axles has twin wheels]): 46 t; five-axle (3 + 2 [axle spacing 1.30-1.79 m]): 43 t; five-axle (3 + 2 [axle
spacing ≥ 1.80 m]): 46 t; six-axle (3 + 3): 50 t.
60. Increased values are applicable for certain types of transport.
61. Tractor with semi-trailer, combination with four axles: 38 t.
62. 44 t is applicable for two 20 ft or one 40 ft ISO containers. 60 t is allowed under specific conditions: transportation of woody material, paper, wood
paper and ceramic products.
63. Road sections constructed according to this norm: 11.5 t.
64. Three-axle road train: 28 t.
65. Six-axle and more: 44 t.
66. Two-axle alternatively fueled motor vehicles other than buses: the maximum authorised weight is increased by the additional weight required for the
alternative fuel technology with a maximum of 1 t.
67. Three-axle alternatively fueled motor vehicles: the maximum authorised weight is increased by the additional weight required for the alternative fuel
technology with a maximum of 1 t.
68. Articulated vehicles with four axles: 38 t in the following cases: a) the driving axle is fitted with twin tyres and pneumatic suspension or recognized as
equivalent to EU level, the wheelbase of the semitrailer is > 1.8 m and the motor vehicle MMA is respected (18 t) and the MMA of the axle tandem of
the semi-trailer (20 t); b) the semi-trailer (the wheelbase of the semitrailer is ≥ 1.8 m) is equipped with enhanced tipper body specifically for the use in
construction or mining it will be 38 t, provided that the burden imposed on the coupling device is compatible with the maximum mass per axle.
69. 44 t is applicable for triaxle tractor with a two or triaxle trailer in combined transport transporting the container(s) or if the trailer has been strengthened
for unattended transport service or if the trailer has been adapted for interchangeable load compartments, and on highway section A3 Terminal
Sežana – Terminal Fernetiči, No. of section 0372.
70. On some roads the permissible maximum weight is 74 t. The permissible maximum weight of a vehicle is determined by the distance between the
outermost axle of the vehicle or combined vehicle.
71. Only with twin tyres and air suspension or similar (otherwise only 25 t), and ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) (cf. EU regulation RL 96/53/EG).
72. With the conditions laid down in Regulation for type approval: 26 t.
73. Vehicle with four axles and axle group weight of 20 t of the semi-trailer: 38 t.
74. Three-axle motor vehicle with two- or three-axle semi-trailer carrying a 40 ft ISO container: 44 t.
75. Two-axle container truck: 18 t.
76. Three-axle container truck: 24 t.
77. Four-, five- and more axle road train and five and more axle articulated vehicle: 44 t. Container truck licenced by the state Motor Road service of
Ukraine and State Traffic Inspection Department, five- and more axle road train and articulated vehicle: 46 t.
78. Only with air suspension or similar.
79. Four-axle articulated vehicle with air suspension or similar and above other requirements: 38 t.
80. For general operation at 44 t, at least six axles are required. The drive axle(s) must not exceed 10.5 t and have twin tyres/road friendly suspension.
Vehicles not having road friendly suspension on the drive axle(s) must have twin tyres and a maximum axle weight not exceeding 8.5 t. Each part of
the combination must have at least three axles and the trailer must have road friendly suspension.